
Residual effect of nitrogen fertilizer and its influencing factors in farmland

  • 摘要: 氮肥利用效率的科学评估对指导农业生产至关重要。传统氮肥评估方案仅能反映当季肥料的利用效率,而忽视了氮肥的残留效应。本文综述了肥料氮的转运、氮肥残留数量、分布、利用及其影响因素,基于当前研究进展提出未来研究方向及相关研究对农业管理实践的启示。农田输入的肥料氮,除了可以被当季作物吸收利用外,残留在土壤中的氮也可以继续被后续作物吸收利用,即评估肥效时,应该考虑氮肥的后效,而残留氮肥的回收利用受自身迁移和转化、作物种类、地力条件、气候环境、耕作管理等多个因素耦合影响。生产实践中,对决定残留氮肥回收效率的外部因素进行优化调控,诸如在长期浅根系/氮吸收低效作物种植后,轮作深根系/氮高效吸收型作物,合理密植,在干旱区适时灌溉保墒。针对作物氮肥喜好合理定制肥料类型,结合水肥一体化技术实施分次施肥,施氮同时配施微生物氮转化联合抑制剂均可有效提高氮肥总体利用率。利用15N同位素示踪技术,整合残留肥效和土壤氮素矿化等动态监测数据,配合作物类型、预期管理、目标产量等多要素数据,建立一套氮肥残留肥效的预测评估及氮肥减施的决策支持模型,对于指导未来的氮肥精准减施和提升农业生产效益具有重要科学意义。



    The scientific evaluation of nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency is very important to guide agricultural production. The traditional nitrogen fertilizer evaluation scheme can only reflect the fertilizer use efficiency in the season applied, but ignore the residual effect of nitrogen fertilizer. The fate of fertilizer nitrogen, the amount, distribution, utilization and influencing factors of nitrogen fertilizer residues were reviewed in this paper. Based on the current research progress, the future research highlight and the implications of related research on agricultural management practice were proposed. In addition to being absorbed and utilized by crops in the season applied, the residual nitrogen in the soil can also continue to be absorbed and utilized by subsequent crops; the after-effect of nitrogen fertilizer should be taken into account when evaluating fertilizer efficiency. The recovery and utilization of residual nitrogen fertilizer are influenced by multiple factors such as its own migration and transformation, crop types, soil fertility conditions, climate environment and tillage management. In the production practice, the external factors that determine the recovery efficiency of residual nitrogen should be optimized. The potential practices include rotating deep root/high nitrogen absorption type crops and reasonable dense planting after long-term planting of shallow root/low nitrogen absorption crops, timely irrigation to conserve soil moisture in arid areas, customized fertilizer type according to the preference of crop nitrogen fertilizer, water and fertilizer integration technology to implement fractional fertilization, nitrogen application combined with microbial nitrogen conversion inhibitor in effectively improving the overall nitrogen utilization rate. Using 15N isotope tracer technology, integrating dynamic monitoring data such as residual fertilizer efficiency and soil nitrogen mineralization, combining multi-factor data such as crop type, expected management and target yield, as well as establishing a set of prediction and evaluation of residual fertilizer efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer and decision support model of nitrogen fertilizer reduction are of great scientific significance for guiding precise nitrogen fertilizer reduction and improving agricultural production efficiency in the future.


