
Effects of puddling methods on root growth and yield of rice in a paddy soil

  • 摘要: 为揭示水田不同搅浆方式对寒区水稻根系形态结构和生理活性的影响及其与产量形成之间的关系,本研究以龙粳31为试验材料,设置旱平免搅浆(HP)、水平地免搅浆(SP)、常规搅浆(CK)3种搅浆方式进行对比试验,对各生育期水稻根系形态结构指标、根系生理活性指标、干物质量及产量进行测定。结果表明:水稻根系形态指标在抽穗扬花期趋于稳定,与CK相比,HP处理下的总根长、根表面积、根体积和平均直径分别显著增加14.1%、8.79%、7.16%和4.06%,SP处理下仅总根长显著增加6.43%。水稻根系生理活性指标在抽穗扬花期达到最大值,与CK相比,HP和SP分别使根系氧化活力显著增加16.1%和5.51%,根系伤流强度显著增加10.2%和5.74%。同时,与CK相比,HP和SP的水稻产量分别显著提高7.65%和4.03%。 综上所述, HP能够明显改善根系形态,促进根系生长,提高根系生理活性,进而促进水稻植株地上部生长和产量的增加。


    Abstract: In order to reveal the effects of puddling methods on the morphology and physiological activity of rice root relative to yield formation in a paddy field in the cold region, a rice cultivar, Longjing 31 was used and three puddling methods were compared, i.e. dry flatting but no puddling (HP), wet flatting but no puddling (SP) and conventional puddling as the control (CK). The root morphology, root physiological activity, biomass and yield of rice at different growth stages were measured. The results showed that the root morphology tended to be stable at heading and flowering stages. Compared with CK, HP significantly increased total root length, total root surface area, total root volume and average root diameter by 14.1%, 8.79%, 7.16% and 4.06%, respectively, while SP only increased total root length by 6.43%. The physiological activity of root reached the maximum at the heading and flowering stages. Compared with CK, HP and SP significantly increased root oxidation activity by 16.1% and 5.51%, and root bleeding intensity by 10.2% and 5.74%, respectively. Compared with CK, the rice yield under HP and SP significantly increased by 7.65% and 4.03%. To sum up, compared with CK, HP can significantly improve root morphology and physiological activity, and then stimulate the aboveground growth and yield of rice.


