
Effects of warming and straw returning on soil nitrogen availability and nitrous oxide flux in a Mollisol cropland

  • 摘要: 土壤氮转化速率决定着土壤供氮能力,除受到温度的影响,还受到底物有效性的影响。然而,在农田生态系统中,关于土壤氮素有效性和N2O通量对气候变暖和秸秆还田耦合的响应研究仍不足。本研究在东北黑土区进行增温和秸秆还田试验,采用离子交换树脂膜和静态暗箱法,原位监测0 ~ 20 cm土层土壤铵态氮、硝态氮有效性和氧化亚氮(N2O)通量,探究增温和秸秆还田对农田黑土氮转化的影响。结果表明:增温、秸秆还田没有显著影响土壤氮有效性,但其在不同时期存在显著差异。秸秆还田显著增加了N2O通量,且7月增温和秸秆还田处理对N2O通量具有显著交互作用。在不增温条件下,秸秆还田使N2O显著提升了109%;在增温条件下,秸秆还田使N2O显著下降了2%。增温、秸秆还田和取样月份对N2O通量也具有显著交互作用。研究结果有利于评估全球气候变暖背景下秸秆还田对农田生态系统氮周转的调控作用,对研究黑土氮循环过程具有重要参考价值。



    Soil nitrogen (N) transformation processes determine the capacity of soil N supply to plant. The soil N transformation rates are affected by temperature and substrate availability. However, we are still far from understanding how soil N availability and nitrous oxide (N2O) flux respond to warming and straw returning. We conducted a field experiment in a Mollisol cropland in Northeast China. We measured soil N availability and N2O flux in the 0 - 20 cm soil layer by using ion exchange resin membrane (IERM)in situand static chamber-gas chromatography. Our results show that neither warming nor straw returning has significant effect on soil N availability, but the sampling time has a significant effect on soil N availability. Straw returning significantly increases N2O flux; in July, warming and straw returning has a significant interaction on N2O flux. Under the un-warming condition, straw returning significantly increases N2O flux by 109%; but under the warming condition, straw returning reduces N2O flux by 2%. Warming, straw returning, and sampling time has significant interactive effects on N2O flux. Overall, this study helps to evaluate the effect of straw returning on soil N transformation under global warming in cropland ecosystems, which is essential tofuture research on N cycling in Mollisols.


