
Analysis of Element Content of Bleeding Sap in Maize Genotypes Different in Drought Tolerance

  • 摘要: 试验目的是明确不同基因型玉米伤流液中元素含量的差别,从伤流液元素差异角度揭示玉米耐旱生理机制。以玉米耐旱基因型"掖单13"和不耐旱基因型玉米"丹玉13"为试材,采用田间取样的方法,分别于苗期、拔节期、孕穗期和灌浆期进行取样,应用连续流动分析仪和高频等离子体发射光谱仪,测定伤流液中的NO3--N、NH4+-N、P、K和Ca的含量。研究结果显示:拔节期、孕穗期和灌浆期耐旱基因型玉米伤流液中的NO3--N含量和整个生育期内伤流液中的K含量显著高于不耐旱基因型玉米(p<0.05),而伤流液中的NH4+-N含量、P元素和Ca元素含量在两基因型之间差异未达到显著水平(p>0.05)。


    Abstract: The Physiological functions among maize genotypes with different tolerance to drought in the field condition were dissimilar.This paper described the component difference of bleeding sap among maize genotypes with different tolerance to drought.A field experiment was conducted to investigate the content of nitrate nitrogen,ammoniacal nitrogen,phosphorous,kalian and calcium of bleeding sap and its difference with two genotypes Yedan-13 and Danyu-13 during seedling,jointing,booting and filling stages.The results showed that compared with the roots of non-drought-tolerant line root system,content of nitrate nitrogen of bleeding sap at jointing,booting and filling stages was significantly greater(p<0.05),content of kalian of bleeding sap at seedling,jointing,booting and filling stages was significantly greater(p<0.05),content of ammoniacal nitrogen,phosphorous and calcium of bleeding sap had no significant differences(p>0.05).


