Control Efficacy of High-efficiency Germicide against Cercospora Leaf Spot of Sugar Beet
摘要: 甜菜褐斑病是目前甜菜生产田中危害最严重的叶部病害。为了筛选高效杀菌剂,2011年在海伦地区开展了甜菜褐斑病田间防治试验研究。结果表明,四种杀菌剂对甜菜褐斑病均有不同程度的防效,对甜菜产量和含糖量影响不大,稍有增产作用。其中,世高(10%苯醚甲环唑)对甜菜褐斑病防治效果最好,达74.1%,使甜菜增产12.4%,提高块根糖锤度2°。生育期只需喷施2次世高,7月下旬田间发病初期进行第一次喷药,8月上旬第二次喷药。试验中田间未发现药害现象,甜菜叶片生长旺盛。所以在这4种杀菌剂中,世高为当地防治甜菜褐斑病的首选药剂。Abstract: Cercospora leaf spot(CLS) is the most destructive foliar disease of sugar beet at present.For screening high-efficiency germicide,the field trial for the germicide against Cercospora leaf spot of sugar beet was conducted in Hailun region in 2011.The results showed that control efficacy of 4 species of germicide against CLS disease was different,the effect of sugar beet yield and sugar content in tuberous root wasn't significantly different and sugar beet yield was increased a little.Especially,the efficacy of Shigao in which the content of difenoconazole is 10% for controlling of CLS disease reached to 74.1%,sugar beet yield was increased by 12.4% and sugar brix in tuberous root was enhanced by 2°.The CLS disease at the initial stage was controlled by spraying Shigao twice in late July and early August with an interval of 7d.The phenomena of phytotoxicity didn't occur in field and leaves of sugar beet grew well.Therefore,Shigao was the best germicide against CLS disease in 4 species of germicide in the locality.