Analysis of Nitrogen,Phosphorus and Potassium Flows Based on Cyclic Model-A Case of Liangzhou Demonstration Area in Hexi Corridor
摘要: 以河西走廊绿洲灌区绿色农业模式小麦-双孢菇-肥-葡萄为研究对象,采用定量研究与定性分析相结合的方法,研究绿色农业循环模式中农田、设施单作及整个系统的氮、磷、钾投入产出,探明模式的物质循环规律。结果表明,该模式中,N、P、K养分产投比分别为0.95、1.12、0.75,远远高于农田单作系统和设施单作系统,在农田单作系统中养分产投比低,在设施单作系统中,养分产投比高;还田纯N、P、K占总输入量的27%、60%、39%;在凉州示范区,构建家庭式中小规模经营的"小麦-双孢菇-肥-设施葡萄"绿色农业循环模式,是充分合理并高效利用当地水资源及农业废弃资源的有效途径。Abstract: Considering the green agricultural model of wheat-mushroom-fertilizer-grape circular farming system in irrigated Hexi Corridor Oasis as the research object,the study about macronutrients(N,P,K) input-output ratio in different farming including field monoculture,facilities monoculture and the circular farming system were carried out to prove the material recycling pattern in the model,using a combination of quantitative research and qualitative analysis method.The results showed that the input-output ratios of N,P and K were 0.95,1.12 and 0.75 respectively in the circular farming system,which were much higher than the values in both field monoculture and facilities monoculture.The input-output ratios of macronutrients in facilities monoculture were also higher than that in field monoculture.The percentages of N,P and K between the returning field amount and the total input amount were 27%,60% and 39% respectively.So the green agricultural model of wheat-mushroom-fertilizer-grape circular farming system has rational nutrient cycle structure and it is an effective way of the fully rational and efficient utilization of local water resources and agricultural waste resources in liangzhou demonstration area.