The Dynamical Change of Soil Water During Dry and Wet Period in Black Soil Zone in Hailun,Heilongjiang Province
摘要: 土壤水分状况是限制作物生长的一个重要因素,根据某一段时间内降水大于或者小于作物蒸散量之间的关系可以将土壤水分划分为干旱状态和湿润状态。以中国科学院海伦农田野外科学观测研究站内的水分试验场为平台,结合试验场内无肥处理(CK)、单施化肥处理(NP)和化肥+有机肥处理(NPM),分析土壤水分在干旱时期和湿润时期的变化特征。结果表明在作物生长旺盛的季节湿润期(5 d内累计降水达135 mm),降水的入渗的深度可达0~170 cm,51.5%以上的水分储存在0~50 cm,不同施肥管理方式表现为NPM>NP>CK,表明施用有机肥能够增加土壤对大气降水的蓄积能力。而当降水缺乏量达到98.2 mm时(干旱时期),深层土壤水分被大量消耗,受影响的土层深度为150 cm,与CK和NP相比,NPM消耗了更多的土壤水分。因此,黑土具有强大的调控土壤水分的能力,有机肥的施用能够增加黑土对土壤水分的调控。Abstract: Soil water status is an important factor associated to crop growth.Dry period and wet period could be indentified based on precipitation more or less than evapotranspiration in a given period.The dynamical change of soil water in dry period and wet period under no fertilizer(CK),chemical fertilizer(NP) and chemical fertilizer plus manure(NPM),was tested in field experiment in National Field Research Station of Agro-ecosystem in Hailun.Rainfall could infiltrate deeply into 0~170 cm soil depth when cumulative rainfall was 135 mm in given 5 d.And more than 51.5% of rainfall was stored in 0~50 cm soil depth with the increasing order of NPM>NP>CK,indicating that soil capacity to rainfall was improved after manure was applied.However,water stored in 0~150 cm soil profile was consumed when soil water was in dry conditions,at that time evapotranspiration was 98.2 mm greater than rainfall.NPM treatment utilized more water compared to CK and NP.Therefore,Black soil had large capacity in regulating soil water that could be stronger when manure was applied.