
The Establishment of the Real-Time PCR System for Detecting Soil Bacteria Abundance

  • 摘要: 为了建立土壤环境样品中细菌群落的定量分析体系,选用了多环芳烃污染土壤处理P1和P2,以及无多环芳烃污染的裸地生态系统土壤C等3种处理,利用构建克隆子的方法制作标准样品,并对实时荧光定量PCR标准曲线的线性(R2)、扩增效率(E)以及斜率(S)等相关参数进行了优化。结果表明,标准曲线的线性R2=0.985、扩增效率E=101.7%以及斜率S=-3.282,均符合参数符合要求。土壤样品P1、P2和C的细菌16S rDNA片段拷贝数为1.4×109个·g-1、4.0×109个·g-1和5.0×109个·g-1。说明建立的实时荧光定量PCR检测体系可以灵敏地定量未知模板的土壤细菌数量。


    Abstract: For establishing the system of quantitative analysis for soil bacteria population,3 soil treatments including the sample P1 and P2 which was polluted by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon(PAH),and sample C from bare land were sampled and analyzed.Using the molecular cloning method,the standard substance of real-time PCR was structured,and the relevant parameter was optimized including the linearity(R2),amplification efficiency(E) and slope(S)of the standard curve.The results indicated that the relevant parameter is regular for real-time PCR,which R2 was 0.985,E was 101.7% and S was 3.282.The quantity of bacteria cell in soil sample P1,P2 and C was quantitated as 1.4×109,4.0×109and 5.0×109 respectively.It indicated that the abundance of soil bacteria could be quantitated by the established system of real-time PCR using unknown sensitive template.


