
Geomorphic Characteristics,Land Eco-types and Management Strategies for Song-nen and Liao-he Plain

  • 摘要: 为了深化理解松嫩平原和辽河平原土地利用存在的生态问题,研究了松嫩平原、辽河平原的地貌特征和土地利用信息,并根据存在的土壤限制因子和指示植物划分了生态土地类别。松嫩平原、辽河平原的地貌类型可划分为低台地、极高平原、高平原等6类,土地利用类型分为林地、草地、农田等9类,生态土地类别划分为甜土地类、盐碱地类、水湿地类和沙土地类,论述了各生态土地类别的生态问题及管理对策,讨论并间接证明了盐碱地形成的离子积累理论。


    Abstract: In order to further understand the ecological problems of Song-nen Plain and Liao-he Plain,the geomorphology and digitized information of land use for Song-nen plain and Liao-he Plain were investigated,and land eco-types were classified based on the limiting factors from the soil and indicative plants.Song-liao Plain (Song-nen Plain and Laio-he) could be divided into six types of land forms,including low tableland,extremely high plain,high plain,while land use pattern is divided into nine kinds,involving forest land,meadow,and farmland.The new schedule for the land eco-types is sweet land,saline and alkaline land,water mash and wetland as well as sandy land.The ecological problem and management strategies of each land eco-type were discussed.Besides,the ion accumulation theory in saline and alkaline region is indirectly demonstrated by the distribution of saline land proportion in different land form.


