Difference of Tuber Yield and Sugar Content of New Sugar Beet Varieties in Black Soil Area
摘要: 以品种KWS3418为对照,对24个甜菜新品种进行了对比筛选试验。结果表明共有12个品种块根平均产量达到50 t·hm-2,其中10个品种对比照品种增产显著,增产幅度达20%以上;有8个品种产糖量达到8.5 t·hm-2以上,均显著高于对照品种;综合块根产量、产糖量、抗病性等因素,在品种选用上建议黑土区优先考虑处理ST21116、SD14631、ST21115、SD12826、HI0474、瑞玛和阿麦斯。Abstract: In this study,yield and quality of 24 new sugar beet varieties were compared with the control variety KWS3418.The results showed that tuber yield of 12 varieties reached 50 t·hm-2,with 10 varieties 20% greater than control.Sugar yield of 8 varieties reached 8.5 t·hm-2,and was greater than control significantly.Considering tuber yield,sugar yield,and disease resistance,we suggest that in Black soil area,ST21116,SD14631,ST21115,SD12826,HI0474,RIMA and AMS should be adopted in priority.