
Soybean Cultivar Mixtures for Managing Soybean Cyst Nematode

  • 摘要: 为了探讨利用作物遗传多样性控制大豆胞囊线虫病效果,在东北黑土区大豆迎茬和15年连作田选择高抗大豆胞囊线虫病品种抗线4号和当地优质高产品种黑农35进行清种、混种及间隔种植比较田间试验。结果显示,抗线4号和黑农35号1:1混合种植后使土壤中SCN二龄幼虫数量、大豆根表雌虫数量和收获期土壤中SCN卵数量明显减少,低于黑农35清种,与抗线4号接近,对SCN的控制效果在所有混种和间隔种植方式中最好。在迎茬和15年大豆连作田中抗线4号和黑农35号1:1混合种植产量均为最高,分别较黑农35清种和抗线4号清种增产8.2%~8.8%和2.8%~7.4%。表明抗线虫和非抗线虫品种混种可有效地控制大豆胞囊线虫病危害,并提高大豆产量。


    Abstract: The soybean cyst nematode(SCN) resistant variety Kangxian 4 and local soybean variety Heinong 35 were used for planting alone,mixed planting and interval planting in soybean soybean-maize and continuous cropping(15 a) system in Northeast China.This experiment was to examine the effect of using crop genetic diversity to control soybean cyst nematode.The results showed that the soil juvenile 2,cyst on soybean root and SCN eggs at harvesting stage were significantly decreased when the ratio of Kangxian 4 to Heinong 35 was 1:1,and were all lower than those in Heinong 35 planting field alone,while the result was similar to that of Kangxian 4 planting alone.The control was the most effective in soybean mixed planting and interval planting fields.The soybean yield was the highest in soybean-maize rotation and continuous cropping(15 a) system when the ratio of Kangxian 4 to Heinong 35 was 1:1,and it was higher than that in Heinong 35 planting field alone by 8.2%~8.8%,and was higher than that in ratio 4 alone planting field by 2.8%~7.4%.Mixed planting of SCN-resistant variety and SCN-nonresistant variety can effectively control soybean cyst nematode and improve soybean yield.


