基于web of science的世界黑土研究轨迹与热点分析

Analysis of the Trajectory and Hot Spots in Black Soil Research Based on Web of Science

  • 摘要: 利用科学引文索引扩展版文献数据库(science citation index expanded,SCIE)提供的1928年-2012年间2 951篇文章的详细文献信息,应用Thomson Data Analyzer(TDA)软件,对近百年的黑土研究论文进行数据统计和分析。从年度发文量与被引用量、核心研究机构与作者群、以及论文基金资助情况等角度揭示黑土研究发展轨迹。通过综合关键词分析得出黑土研究的6大问题是:产量问题、施肥与肥料问题、耕作问题、土壤有机质问题、土壤侵蚀与退化问题和土壤特性问题。根据高被引与前沿热点分析得出土壤有机质稳定机制是其热点研究内容,土壤有机碳的相关研究仍是未来黑土研究的主要科学问题。


    Abstract: Research papers on Chernozem or Mollisols(Black soils) in the last 100 years were analyzed using Thomson Data Analyzer(TDA) software and detailed literature information from 2951 papers obtained by science citation index expanded(SCIE) in the years of 1928-2012.Development trajectory of research on Chernozem was revealed from the perspectives of annual publications and citations,research institutions,authors and funding agencies.Six major research issues on Chernozem were acquired by analyzing comprehensive key words,they were yield/production,fertilization/fertilizer,tillage/farming,soil organic matter/soil organic carbon,soil erosion/soil degradation,soil properties/soil characteristics.According to the analysis of highly cited papers and research fronts,the stability mechanism of soil organic matter was the hot issue,while research related to soil organic carbon is still a major scientific issue in Black soil research in the years to come.


