98 cm大垄双行种植方式对吉林西部玉米生长发育的影响

Effects of 98 cm ridge with double row planting on maize growth and development in western Jilin Province

  • 摘要: 为提高玉米单产,本研究以65 cm单垄常规种植方式为对照,研究98 cm大垄双行种植方式对玉米生长发育的影响。结果表明,与65 cm单垄种植方式相比,98 cm大垄双行种植方式玉米单位面积有效穗数和群体干物质量分别显著增加28.8%和13.6%,而产量仅增加3.6%。大垄双行处理玉米植株全N、全P和全K的养分积累量较对照处理分别增加9.9%、7.6%和11.9%。大垄双行处理显著影响玉米根系构型,较对照处理总根长、根表面积、平均直径、根体积及分叉数显著增加。此外,大垄双行处理顶层叶面积指数较对照处理增加20.6%,顶层透光率降低15.3%。98 cm大垄双行种植方式的优势,有待于深入探讨。


    Abstract: In this study,98 cm ridge with double row planting was used to improve the maize yield in western Jilin Province,while 65 cm single row planting was used as control.The results showed that the productive ear per unit-area,total biomass of population,and yield in 98 cm ridge with double row planting treatment was 28.8%,13.6%,and 3.6% higher than that of control,respectively.Compared with control,the plant accumulation of N,P,and K in 98 cm ridge with double row planting treatment increased by 9.9%,7.6%,and 11.9%,respectively.98 cm ridge with double row planting treatment changed the root architecture,and increased the total root length,root surface area,average diameter,root volume,and number of branches.Additionally,98 cm ridge with double row planting treatment also increased the leaf area index in the top layer by 20.6%,but reduced transmission in the top layes by 15.3%.The advantages of 98 cm ridge with double row planting pattern in improving corn yield deserve further investigation.


