Potential of Agricultural Climatic Productivity and Requirement Rate of Climatic Resources in Northeastern China
摘要: 根据东北三省87个气象站点1951-2006年间的气象数据,分析计算了东北三省主要粮食作物玉米、大豆和水稻的光合生产潜力、光温生产潜力、气候生产潜力以及温度、水分的满足率,并利用GIS技术分析了作物生产潜力的空间差异。研究结果表明:3种作物的光合生产潜力与总太阳辐射有很大的相关性,且由西部向东部递减;由于南北跨度大,各地光温潜力差异较大,且从北到南呈带状增加趋势;由于各地作物生育期内降水呈地带性分布,使得各地气候生产潜力具有较大差异,并呈由西向东逐渐增加的趋势。在气候资源的满足率上,南部地区的温度和东部地区的降水都可较好满足作物生长的需要,而北部地区和西部地区的生产潜力严重受到温度和降水条件的限制。Abstract: Based on 46-year meteorological data collected from 87 meteorological stations in Northeastern China,the potentials of photosynthetic productivity,photosynthesis-temperature productivity,climate productivity as well as the requirement rate for temperature and moisture in the main three crops were calculated.The spatial differences in crop productivity potential and natural climatic resources requirement rate in the region were analyzed using GIS.The potential of photosynthetic productivity is highly associated with total solar radiation,which decreases gradually from the west to the east of the region.Due to the greater latitude span,the potential of photosynthesis-temperature productivity increases from the north to the south significantly.As the rain belt distribution has a significant zonal difference,the potential of climate productivity increases from the west to the east gradually.The temperature in the northern region and precipitation in the eastern region can better meet the demands for plants' growth.However,the potential productivity in the northern and western regions is severely limited by low temperature and precipitation.