
Grey Correlation Degree Analysis on Main Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Brassica napus L.Suited to Mountainous Dry Land Area in Northwest China

  • 摘要: 为筛选出适宜西北沿山旱作区自然气候条件的油菜高产品种,选用20个具有一定产量优势的品种进行了比较试验,利用灰色关联的方法对油菜主要植株性状及产量构成3因子与实际产量进行了分析。结果表明:油菜植株主花序长度和单株二次分枝数与产量的关联度较大,茎粗和角果长次之,株高和单株一次分枝数较低;在产量构成3因子中,单株角果数与产量的关联度最大,角粒数次之,千粒质量最低;绵油11、三丰19、h 056、h 067和三丰16分别比对照品种青杂3号增产121.8%、85.7%、83.6%、78.4%和68.9%。


    Abstract: To select high yield cultivars of Brassica napus L.well suited to climatic conditions in mountainous dry land from Northwest China,twenty varieties with potential yield were compared in the field.The relationship between yield and main plant characters as well as three yield components were analyzed using grey correlation method.The grey correlation degree of plant characters with yield in the order of maximum to minimum was length of main inflorescence>number of second branches>stem diameter>length of pod>plant weight>number of first branches.The grey correlation degree of yield components with yield itself in the order of maximum to minimum was pod number per plant>seed number per pod>thousand-grain weight.The yield in cultivars Mianyou11,Sanfeng19,h056,h067 and Sanfeng16 was 121.8%,85.7%,83.6%,78.4% and 68.9% greater respectively than that of check cultivar Qingza 3.


