Correspondence Analysis and Partial Correlation Analysis to Yield and Quality Traits in Wheat
摘要: 运用对应分析和偏相关分析对河南省2006-2007年小麦品种区试高肥冬水组连续参试两年共19个品种的12个产量和品质性状进行了分析。对应分析结果将供试品种分为三大类,第一类包括9个品种,属高产中质类品种;第二类含2个品种,属中产中质类品种;第三类包括8个品种,属中低产、中上质品种。并对各类品种的改良目标进行了讨论。从产量、产量性状及品质性状的偏相关分析结果得知,增加穗粒数、千粒质量与密度是获致小麦高产优质的有效途径。Abstract: The correspondence analysis and partial correlation analysis were applied to analyze twelve traits of yield and quality for 19 varieties,which were examined in the winter watered group with high fertilizer rate from variety regional trials in the year of 2006 and 2007 in He'nan Province.The results of the correspondence analysis divided the varieties into three categories.The first category includes nine varieties with high-yield and medium quality.The second category consists of two varieties with medium-yield and medium-quality; The third group includes eight varieties with low-yield but medium-super quality.The target for variety improvement in each category was discussed.Based on the result of the partial correlation analysis,the effective way for achieving high-yield and good-quality in wheat is the increase in grain numbers per spike,1000-grain weight and grain volume weight.