
Regulatory Mechanism of Nitrogen Availability on Earshoot and Kernel Development in Maize

  • 摘要: 选用高效吸收利用氮素的氮高效品种,是在适当降低施氮量的条件下维持较高产量水平的重要途径之一。国内外有关氮高效生理、遗传基础研究方面已经开展了多年的工作,在硝酸盐和铵转运蛋白基因克隆与功能分析、氮素调节根系发育、氮素诱导的基因表达谱、氮高效性状QTLs定位等方面都取得了重要进展,但这些研究集中于营养器官,很少涉及到作物产量器官——穗和籽粒。以玉米为例,综述了氮素供应不足对穗、籽粒发育的影响,并重点从氮素代谢相关酶及细胞分裂素信号互作的角度,论述了氮素调节玉米穗和籽粒发育的可能生理机制,提出了一个理论假设。


    Abstract: Nitrogen-efficient cultivars provide a way to reduce nitrogen fertilizer input while maintaining high grain yield.Much work has been done to understand the physiological and genetic basis for nitrogen use efficiency,such as isolation and functional analysis of nitrate and ammonium transporters,root growth as regulated by nitrogen availability,gene expression profile under nitrogen deficiency stresses,as well as QTL mapping for nitrogen use efficiency related traits.Most of these works are focused on vegetative organs.On the contrary,the yield formation organs,i.e.earshoot and grains,are neglected.Taking maize as an example,the effect of low-N stress on earshoot and grain development is reviewed.The physiological mechanism for the regulation of nitrogen availability on earshoot and kernel development is discussed,especially from a viewpoint of nitrogen metabolism enzymes and plant hormone cytokinins.A theoretical model is suggested to explain how nitrogen deficiency affects earshoot and grain development.


