
The Spatial Distribution Relations between Erosion Gully and Terrain Factors in the South of Typical Black Soil Zone in Northeast China

  • 摘要: 在地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)技术的支持下,结合地形地貌数据,采用SPOT-5高分辨率遥感影像,结合野外调查,运用GIS分析功能,提取了吉林省九台市典型黑土区的侵蚀沟数量、裂度、吞噬耕地面积,对研究区的侵蚀沟空间分布与研究区坡度、坡向及坡形之间的关系进行了探讨,分析了在不同地形要素的空间组合下侵蚀沟的空间分布规律。在研究区内,侵蚀沟裂度随坡度增加先增大后减小,坡度在5°以上时,坡度已不是侵蚀沟发育的主要因素;在不同坡向上,土壤侵蚀表现为阳坡高于阴坡,迎风坡高于背风坡的特点;对于不同的坡形,在凹形坡上,最易于侵蚀沟的发生,凸形坡次之,直形坡最不易于侵蚀沟的发生。不同地形要素的组合时,侵蚀沟的裂度差异更加明显。阳坡上,凹形坡较直形坡和凸形坡容易产生侵蚀沟;阴坡上,凸形坡最利于侵蚀沟的形成。由于不同地形要素组合下,侵蚀沟的发生发展情况各异,因而在对其进行治理时,应根据不同情况制定不同的治理方法。


    Abstract: With support of GIS and RS technology,combined with topography data and field survey,using SPOT-5 high-resolution remote sensing images,the article we extracted the quantity and density of erosion gully and devour cultivated land area by using GIS analysis functions in Jiutai,Jilin Province,discussed the relations between erosion ditch spatial distributions and the slope,aspect and slope shape of the study area,and analyzed the spatial distribution regularities of gully in different combinations of topographic features.Through studies,this article pointed out that when the slope increased the density of ditch increased first,then decrease.When the slope was greater than 5°,slope was not the main factors of erosion gully development.On different slope aspects,the soil erosion on the sunny slope was greater than the shady side,and there was a higher ditch density on windward slope than leeward slope.For different slope-shaped concave slopes most vulnerable to the occurrence of erosion ditch,followed by convex slope,straight slope was the most difficult in the occurrence of the erosion gully.Considered the combination of different terrain factors,the difference of the density of erosion was more obvious.On sunny slope,gully erosion occurred on convex slopes more easily than on straight slopes and concave slope.On shady slope,gully erosion most easily occurred on concave slope.Because different terrain factor combinations have different erosion densities,and thus in its governance should take different ways based on different conditions.


