
The Quantitative Study on the Dynamic Trend of Fusarium Population Abundance in Soybean Field under Different Fertilization Management

  • 摘要: 应用平板计数法和实时荧光定量(Real-time QPCR)方法,对黑土长期定位试验大豆田3种施肥措施下土壤镰孢菌种群密度进行了5个生育时期的定量研究。3种施肥措施包括无肥处理(NF)、化肥处理(NP)和化肥配施有机肥处理(NPM)。平板计数定量研究结果表明,NF和NP处理土壤镰孢菌菌落形成单位(CFU)数量在花期达到最大,分别为1 500个·(g干土)-1~3 100个·(g干土)-1;而NPM处理则在苗期达到了峰值1 900个·(g干土)-1。然而3种施肥措施各自的不同时期土壤镰孢菌CFU变化趋势,以及同一时期不同施肥措施下土壤镰孢菌CFU数量差异均不显著(p>0.05),说明传统定量研究方法不能有效地进行土壤镰孢菌种群动态的定量检测。Real-time QPCR定量研究结果表明,3种施肥措施下土壤镰孢菌属DNA含量的峰值出现时期与传统定量方法结果相同,NF、NP和NPM措施分别为99.6 pg·(g干土)-1、77.1 pg·(g干土)-1和140.8 pg·(g干土)-1。同时3种措施镰孢菌种群动态变化明显(p<0.05),均为由苗期开始随着大豆生育期逐渐上升,达到各自的峰值后再分别下降。该结果说明Real-time QPCR方法是灵敏的土壤镰孢菌种群密度的研究方法,同时表明施肥措施不仅可以影响土壤镰孢菌DNA的含量,甚至可以改变其种群随时间的分布规律。


    Abstract: At the five growing stages,the abundance of Fusarium population in black soil under three fertilization managements was quantified using the Plating Counting method and Real-time QPCR method.Fertilization management included no fertilizer (NF),nitrogen and phosphorous chemical fertilizer (NP) and chemical fertilizer with manure (NPM).The result of Plating Counting method showed that the maximum of Fusarium CFU in NF and NP treatment was 1.5×103 and 3.1×103 g-1 dry soil at R1 stage.The peak value in NPM treatment was 1.9×103 at V3 stage.However,the dynamic trend of Fusarium CFU in each treatment during the growth stages or the difference of CFU values at the same stage was not significant,indicating the quantified detection of Fusarium abundance was infeasible using the Plating Counting method.The result of Real-time QPCR method indicated that the peak values of Fusarium DNA amount in the three treatments occurred at the same stage.The values of DNA quantities in the three treatments were 99.6,77.1 and 140.8 pg per gram dry soil,respectively.Meanwhile,the dynamic trend of Fusarium abundance in three fertilization treatments was similar.The amount was increased from V3 stage and then decreased after their peak values.It indicated that this method was sensitive to investigate the abundance of soil Fusarium population; and the fertilizer not only could affect the amount of Fusarium DNA,but also Time new romeen.


