
Soil salinization of effluent irrigation and its control in Israel

  • 摘要: 以色列自然淡水资源极度短缺,几十年来污水农业灌溉极为普遍。但是长期的污水灌溉已经导致钠盐在土壤中的积累,进而导致土壤结构、稳定性、导水率等物理性质和肥力的下降。1993年-2011年,污水等高盐水灌溉导致以色列土壤钠吸附比从6升高到9,升高了近50%。因此本世纪初发展了污水脱盐农业利用模式,以期从根本上解决污水灌溉引发的土壤盐化问题。纳滤和反渗透技术用于污水脱盐处理,处理费用比海水淡化低,具有较好的应用前景。以色列的污水处理经历了常规二级处理、三级处理及脱盐处理发展阶段,处理后的污水经过渗滤塘渗入地下储存,渗滤过程中污水得到进一步净化,农业需水时抽取该地下水灌溉,最终实现安全可持续大规模的污水农业利用。我国可借鉴以色列的经验,在淡水资源短缺和土壤盐碱化严重的地区,开展污水和地下咸水淡化利用研究,探讨土壤盐碱化防治的途径。


    Abstract: Israel is a country situated in a semi-arid zone with insufficient natural water resources.Hence,effluent irrigation has been widely practiced for the past several decades.However,long-term effluent irrigation has posed a serious risk of salinization for the country's soils and aquifers,leading to degradation of soil physical properties such as soil structure,stability and hydraulic conductivity and soil fertility.Over the last two decades,average soil SAR(sodium adsorption ratio) value increased by 50%,from 6 increased to 9.In order to solve the problem caused by effluent irrigation,Israel has developed waste water desalination and relevant utilization mode.Nano filtration membrane and reverse osmosis membrane technologies have been used in waste water desalination.The cost for waste water desalination is generally lower than sea water desalination,with a better application future.Effluent treatment in Israel has experienced three stages:general secondary treatment,tertiary treatment,and desalination treatment.The treated effluents infiltrate into aquifers via recharge basins are stored in the aquifers.The effluents are further purified in the process of infiltrating into the aquifers.The recharged effluents are pump out for irrigation at growing season.Therefore,Israel experience would be an alternative approach for possible experimentation of waste water in insufficient natural water resources areas in China to control soil salination.


