
Intercropping Chinese Onion and Potato Increase the Yield of Continuous Soybean

  • 摘要: 在黑龙江省大豆长期连作地块上,选用主要经济作物毛葱、马铃薯、大麻和烟草,分别与连作大豆间作,组成四个间作体系,探讨了不同作物间作对连作大豆主要生物学效应的影响。结果表明,与单作大豆相比,间作毛葱或马铃薯,连作大豆产量分别增加12%和9%,而间作大麻或烟草,大豆产量分别减少18%和7.6%。间作毛葱、马铃薯和烟草,苗期大豆根腐病病情指数分别降低18.3%,28.5%和34.2%,而间作大麻,大豆根腐病病情指数提高10.3%。毛葱或马铃薯与大豆间作,显著增加生育后期的干物质积累,增加有效荚数、单株粒数和百粒质量。毛葱/大豆和马铃薯/大豆间作在黑龙江省大豆长期连作地块具有一定的应用价值。


    Abstract: The biological changes in continuous soybean by soybean intercropped with Chinese onion(Allium fistulosum L.),potato(Solanum tuberosum L.),hemp(Cannabis Satia L.) and tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum L.) were investigated in a long-term continuous soybean Mollisols field of Northeast China.The results indicated that compared with soybean monoculture,the yield of continuous soybean was increased by 12% and 9% in Chinese onion/soybean and potato/soybean intercropping systems while it was decreased by 18% and 7.6% in hemp/soybean and tobacco/soybean intercropping systems.Disease severity index of root rot in continuous soybean was decreased by 18.3%,28.5% and 34.2% respectively with increased control effect in Chinese onion/soybean,potato/soybean and tobacco/soybean intercropping systems while it was increased by 10.3% in hemp/soybean intercropping system.Above ground dry matter accumulation at later stage of soybean growth and yield components were all increased significantly in Chinese onion/soybean,and potato/soybean intercropping systems.We conclude that Chinese onion/soybean and potato/soybean intercropping are of values in long-term continuous soybean farmland in Heilongjiang province.


