
Prospects for New-type Fertilizers with High Efficiency

  • 摘要: 肥料是现代农业生产中投入最大的一类生产资料。肥料概念的形成已经有170多年的历史。利用新方法、新工艺生产的的高效、缓释控释、长效和环境友好的肥料称为新型肥料。概要回顾了我国"十一五"时期新型肥料研发取得的主要进展,分析了未来肥料发展的主要问题和趋势,提出复合高效是未来肥料发展的总趋势,缓释、控释和环境友好是重点,开发生物肥料是重要任务;介绍了"物理肥料"的种类和作用,指出要加强中量、微量及其有益元素的营养机理,养分资源宏观管理信息系统及其植物营养与肥料的应用基础研究等。


    Abstract: Fertilizer is the largest input of production material for modern agricultural production.The concept of fertilizer can be dated back to 170 years ago.New type fertilizer is produced by new method and technique with characteristics of high efficiency,slow-release and long-term effect.This paper briefly summarizes the major achievements in the research of new type fertilizers during the eleven-five year plan period,analyzes the problems and trend for future fertilizer development.It is proposed that complex and high efficient fertilizer is the general trend for fertilizer,slowly-release,controlled-release and environmental friendly fertilizers are the key types of future fertilizers,while the development of bio-fertilizers might be a major task.The kind and roles of "physical fertilizers" are also introduced.Applied fundamental researches including medium elements,micro-elements and beneficial elements,nutrients integrated information system,and plant nutrition in relation to the use of fertilizers are emphasized.


