
Effects on Playgoskite to Biological Characteristics of Medicago sativa L

  • 摘要: 本试验采用田间单因素随机区组设计,研究了加施坡缕石对紫花苜蓿生物学特性的影响。结果表明:坡缕石用量750 kg·hm-2~3 000 kg·hm-2下,均能提高紫花苜蓿的产量和品质,3 000 kg·hm-2时产量最高、植株最高,且较对照极显著增产41.72%(p<0.01),粗蛋白质、赖氨酸含量也最高,品质最优。这一研究结果在紫花苜蓿栽培中科学合理的将N、P、K肥料与坡缕石配施是提供了科学依据。


    Abstract: The field experiment is designed in single factor randomized block,and studied effects on playgoskite to the biological characteristics of Medicago sativa L.Results showed that playgoskite can increase the yield and improve quality of Medicago sativa L.,when it is used in scopes 750 kg·hm-2~3 000 kg·hm-2.And the yield is the highest,plant is the highest too,when it is added 3 000 kg·hm-2.And the yield is increased by 41.72%(p<0.01)compared to the CK.And contents of crude protein and lysine are also the highest,so the quality is most superior too.This studying conclusion provide important theoretical basis and guiding significance reasonably in the manure's foundation matched playgoskite and employing N,Pand K of cultivation of Medicago sativa L.


